Friday, April 27, 2012

Week #1

Our Booty Busters did a fantastic job the first week of our Spring session. We have 7 members that were part of our winter session, and 3 new ladies that I am looking forward to getting to know better. :)

Our challenges for the first week were:
Cardio-->150 minutes over the week
Strength Exercises-->Total of 450 reps over the week, doing a combination of:

  • push-ups
  • shoulder press
  • crunches
  • reverse flyes               *a good place to start would be 25 reps of each
  • air squats
  • kettlebell snatch
The results overall were really good. We had a group loss of 20.8lbs, and I know it will only get better after this.

Even though this is a competition, I think ( and hope) it will be more. I know it has been for me over the past year and a half.

Having a group of people working towards the same goal as I am really keeps me committed. I know if I am having a bad day, I can post in the group and I will get the support I need. I know if I succeed, I will be recognized. I love that, I mean, who doesn't love being told they did a good job!

I hope my fellow Booty Busters know they have my support and my encouragement as well. :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

....In Medias Res....

It's not the beginning of my journey, and it's nowhere near the end ( fingers crossed!).

On March 14th, 2010, I was fed up. I wasn't at my highest weight, but I wasn't a healthy weight. I wasn't healthy at all. I was dissatisfied....with my body, my mental health, my life. I was surely not the best I could be in terms of being a wife or a mother either.
                                (My "before" in December 2009)

In previous years, I had blamed everyone but me for what was going on.

"I'm too busy with the kids."
"I'm too tired."
"My diet isn't that bad."
"I deserve a treat."

I'm sure that some or all of these excuses are ones you may have heard, or used yourself.

I was always on the lookout for a quick-fix too. I didn't want to work, I just wanted to be thin. It took way too long for me to smarten-up and realize that I HAD TO EAT GOOD FOOD TO FEEL GOOD. There wasn't going to be a magic pill (or shake, or supplement). So, I began with baby steps in the kitchen. Pop, gone. Less cheese, more fresh freggies, WATER.....

I started out small in the fitness as well and purchased Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" . I honestly thought I would die. I didn't (obviously). For the first week, I squeaked when I sat down, and groaned as I stood up. My poor hamstrings were positively mutinous! I finished all 30 days.....then it was ON!

Since then, I have joined 2 weight loss competitions, have run and participated in 2 more. I have met a wonderfully supportive group of ladies, who help keep me going on this crazy ride.

Since then I have started running! I was the gal who said I'd only run to save my kids or if my house was on fire! Just 2 weeks ago I ran my first 10K with some of my fellow Booty Busters and, of course, my Fabulous Running Buddy!

Our Spring session of Booty Busters begins this Wednesday. I'm so looking forward to it! new challenges, new people and plenty of support from everyone!

Busting booty at a time.