So often, we hear of someone passing away because of cancer.
Too often.
I can't think of anyone that hasn't had cancer touch their lives in some way. ( To my real life people, I am hugging you all right now).
Recently, a woman in our community lost her hard-fought battle with cancer.
We weren't friends. I knew of her through mutual friends, the military community, and our local running community.
I remember her as a friendly, supportive person at our local races. Alway a smile, and an encouraging word for us slow-poke novice racers.
I vividly remember when we ran the Half Marathon race, summer of 2012. It was hot, smoke in the air from grass fires. I was still running out to the turn-around point, and she was running back. She smiled at me, gave me a thumbs-up, and said "No one told me we had to run back up these hills too."
I knew who she was, this wonder-woman running despite her struggles. I admired her greatly. Her words, and her grin lent my legs a bit of strength.....and I grinned right back.
This woman fought so hard for life every damn day.
Too often we get caught up in our own head space. Worries, daily stress and dissatisfaction can pile up. Comparing what we don't have (either real or perceived) to what others seem to have can really suck the colour out of the world.
I am guilty of this ALL THE TIME.
Where am I going with this you might be wondering (or maybe you'd just rather I got to the point.)
I am going to say yes to more. Rather than let "what is not" rule my thoughts, I will do my very best to let "what is, what will, and what can be" stand a little higher on my list.
.....think Jim Carrey in "Yes Man", without the witty repartee and physical comedy
Not every day will be shiny. Bad days happen, but to remember that they are a blip, not the baseline, is what's important.
P.S. We have friends that are dealing with a cancer battle of their own right now. We think of them often. Him,as he fights the disease, and her as she battles with her formidable will and enormous love for him. Send some positive thoughts their way if you could.
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