Saturday, May 24, 2014

For Me and Mine

I was awake before 6am today. It's Saturday morning. It's just not right.

I'm not sure what woke me. Maybe it was the sun peaking through the curtains, or the dog that was barking down the street (really neighbours? Why is you dog out barking that early in the day?), I'm not sure. I do know what kept me from snuggling back down in the blankets: my brain.

It's been a busy couple of weeks. For the second time in 6 months, I have started a new job. Not only is it a new job, once again I am learning a whole new skillset. I used to joke that I had been out of school for so long that my brain had atrophied. While it may be running a little more sluggishly than when I was a younger version of me, I am happy to say things seem to be firing on all cylinders.

For the past two weeks I've been soaking up all the information I can from the woman I am taking over from. She is very, very good at this job. I go solo on Monday, and I have some very big shoes to fill.

The job itself is very interesting. Event planning, light bookkeeping, receptionist duties......and a thousand things I can't even remember right now. I foresee a lot of post-it reminders in my future to keep track of everything.

I am trying to keep my casual position at the bank as well.....pretty sure that's not going to work out for long. I spoke to my manager before I even started looking for a part-time job,so my change in availability wasn't a total surprise. Unfortunately, I'm just not as available as they need me to be now.

As I have said a number of times, I really like working at the bank. The reality is though, there isn't an actual position for me there. Six months of never knowing when or if I was going to be working has been a bit of a roller coaster (time and money wise).

More than that, this new position will open doors for me in the future...or get my foot in the door at the very least. As my Fabulous Running Buddy had said to me on a number of occasions, all I needed was someone to take a chance on me.  It's an opportunity I just could not turn down.

I hope there are no hard feelings, but, in the end, I had to do what's best for me and mine.

Next post: Training & Races.....

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