Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In the Spirit of Saying "Yes"


What I'm Doing the Weekend 
of my 
20th High School Reunion

I couldn't decide on a title for this, and was unwilling to give one up.

Where was I?
Right, time to fill you in on the other news I've been keeping close to my chest.

My Fabulous Running Buddy is trying to break me  encouraging to step outside my comfort zone once more.

We have registered to participate in a Spartan Sprint race.  Not only have we committed to running this crazy race, it's the same weekend as the Color Me Rad we've been looking forward to since last summer. Back to back race days.  All of this falls on the weekend of my 20th High School Reunion (which I wrote about not going to here ).

So, while old classmates are sipping cool drinks and reminiscing about days gone by, looks like I will be:
*getting colour bombed
* crawling through mud
*attempting to climb over and under any number of obstacles
*bruising and bumping this old body
*making some new memories with my friends
I'm positive that no matter what, folks will be having a good weekend,wherever they may be.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! I was hoping to run the Color Me Rad race - but looks like I'm having a baby instead. :/
