(Source: WeHeartit.com)
I can pretty much pinpoint the day I became less than sure of myself.
It was grade 7, and we had just moved to a new city. It was not quite a month into the school year, and I realized.....I don't think I fit in here.
Now, many years later, my kids are in school, dealing with all the good and bad that comes along with that. Son #3 came in the kitchen tonight while I was washing-up. He was quiet ( a sure sign he wanted to talk). So, he shares with me that he is worried that because he's having a rough time in math class (which we are aware of,and are working through) that the "cool kids" will make fun of him.
Big mama sigh.......
This particular child of mine is the one that is most concerned with the opinions of others,despite our reassurances at home.
All I want is for my kids to give their very best effort in all they do in life (school,work,sports,being a human being). I love that they have their quirks, and that even though they can be frustrating to no end...... I love them for simply being them. (Of course, I am incredibly biased.)
Tonight, I sat down with son #3, and had a different version of the same conversation I have had with his 2 older brothers at some point:
Why care about what the "cool kids"might think. You are doing your very best, and that's all a person can do. You can only control your reactions and behaviour, not how other people act and think.
I'm not sure he fully believed me. But,he humoured me and gave me a hug.
I'm not so naive to think my kids won't be affected by their peers, and that life in school is always rainbows and unicorns.
I would like to think that if I tell them enough that everyone is different, and that makes the world an interesting place to be, they might just believe me.
Now, if I could just do the same...... Do as I say,not as I do....... Right?
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