Saturday, January 11, 2014

Investments: Not Always About Money

It's a New Year. No real resolutions for me. Be more organized, be nicer to myself and those around me, same as every year since I turned 30. Nothing with a definite deadline.

I am now living my life as a Casual Employee. It's a little scary (not quite the right word for it), and am still trying to wrap my head around this new schedule....or lack of one. I have plenty to keep me busy though. Back to enjoying baking for my own family, training for the upcoming races we're registering for, kids' activities, running our friendly little weight-loss group (to name a few).

Quite a change from this time last year, when I was feeling sick, tired & broken at work.

I feel bad that I haven't been up to the Old Job since I gave notice. I had a wonderful leaving-supper with a few people from there, and they invited me to their Christmas party (fun evening), but that's been it really. During my training at the New Job, I wasn't able to go up at all, since my hours were pretty much their hours. Now that I have time (and a bit of business for myself, as it's a centre I can access for services), I am hesitating.....silly nerves. I'm old news :)

I have bumped into some folks from up there when I've been out running errands, and while at work. Most meetings have been amicable (quick chat, good feelings), so that's a good thing. I tell my kids, you can't control the behaviour of others, only how you act and react.

I miss the morning chats, with co-workers and kids alike, at the counter in the kitchen.  I miss random hugs around my knees from the younger kiddos, watching them learn new things and hitting their milestones.

What I've traded those things for though is an investment in our family. My darling husband will most likely be changing careers in the not too distant future (life in the civvy world! EEK!). I am hoping this job move for me will, in time, afford me the chance to work full-time with some financial security during his transition. I'd like it to be less job, more career. At the very least, I am adding to my skill-set and work experience.

Perhaps I'm still in the Honeymoon period, but.....I really am enjoying this position. I wasn't sure I would. Somedays I feel overwhelmed with all I am learning and still have to learn. Every day has it challenges, and I like how it keeps me on my toes.


I get to wear nailpolish.


...pretty clothes...


....I am not hurting and hobbling at the end of the day.

I guess the lesson I should take away from my ramblings here is this:
Hang on to the bright and shiny memories I have from the Old Job, let anything else go. Enjoy the New Job and all the new folks I work with and meet.  Life goes on, and time is too short to worry.

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