I've been writing and deleting this post for a couple of weeks now. The problem being, there were too many thoughts rolling around in my jumbled noggin'. So, I made myself pick one rolling boulder out of my brain, and, hopefully this will make some kind of sense.
Just about a year ago, FBR ( Fabulous Running Buddy) and myself embarked on the C25K running program. We wanted to have some sort of regular exercise to keep us going during the summer break from our weight loss group.
In September 2011, we entered our first race ( 4K trail race at Arm Lake). It was hard.....and it was an amazing experience.
In March, we ran our first 10K Race. It was hard too! Especially for me, had a couple of nagging, minor injures that made it a rough one. ( I'll blog about my race experience later......for reasons that may become clear in future posts.)
Now, it's July.....and next weekend FBR and I are running in our first Half Marathon. EEK! So exciting, and a little terrifying, all rolled into a big ball of ooey, gooey stress in my tummy.
We have trained so hard. Faithfully following our training plan, experimenting with gear, fuel, and running techniques. Eating well, getting enough rest....all part of the plan.
The biggest commitment though, was time. Three runs a week, no excuses. Tuesday and Thursdays, long runs on Saturday morning....EARLY in the morning I might add.
The overall commitment was something I didn't really think about when we started. When we ran the 10K, I'll be honest....I didn't train as well as I probably should have, and I surely did not commit to keeping my body as "clean" as I could have. I ate too much garbage, I went out some weekends with friends....I am convinced that it hurt my performance.
So, when we started the Half training plan, my attitude was different. I was going to follow the Plan, treat my body well, and listen when things hurt.
In 10 weeks, I lost 13 pounds, and ran further every weekend than I had ever run before. ( Last weekend's 12 miler was a real coup for me brain-wise).
What I didn't count on, was how this major commitment would change the other parts of my life.
Before I did anything, the question "How will this affect my running" would pop-up in my mind.
Before I ate anything, "How will my tummy feel if I have that, then run tomorrow?".
Friends would ask me to go out, "If you go, you know you won't be able to run tomorrow.", or "What if you hurt yourself, it's so close to the race?"
I know that the folks in my life are tired of hearing about my runs, my aches, my pains. I find myself editing conversations, trying not to talk about it too much.
This is a very big deal for me. This is very important to me.
I have in turns felt bad for not socializing with friends, felt glum about "always being the good girl", and been upset that people were upset with me.
I hope that the folks in my life understand that this is something I WANT to do. That this is a MAJOR accomplishment for a non-running gal like myself....the "picked last in gym class" girl I used to be.
I do know, that, this final taper week isn't just about getting things right for my body. It's also about getting my head right for the race. Running is 90% mental for me.....so, I'll be screwing things on tight and keeping my eye on the prize.....the Finish Line.
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