Friday, September 27, 2013

Post Surgery

I made it. Surgery was a week ago ( breast reduction for those not in the-know).

The procedure went very well  I am told. Thanks to a cocktail of meds pre-surgery, and post, the first few days afterwards are a bit hazy.

I do remember that the nurses at the hospital were phenomenal. They were all very kind and took very good care of me. I can say the same for the anesthesiologist and surgeon, as far as I can remember.

I also want to thank my parents for spending the past week with us. First caring for the kiddos while we were out of town for the surgery, then for carting me around and tending to me while the husband was at work. I know they have plenty going on in their own lives, and I appreciate them so much.

Last, but not least, thanks to my hubby. He's had a nutty week a work, and then comes home to take care of me. Thankfully he is off work next week to help me out...and make sure that I remain a good patient.

I'm healing well according to the surgeon ( had a post-op appointment yesterday). She's happy with the result, and I don't have to go back until next month now.

I will say, I am rather uncomfortable...actually, today I hurt quite a bit. I am not taking the "good pills" during the day. They make me woozy and hurt my tummy.

I am bored too. That was to be expected though. I have books, Netflix, and my trusty laptop (that I really can't lift on my own).

I am hoping that when my 4 weeks off work is up, I am ready to go back to work.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

They say that Life is what happens when you're busy making plans.

There are days, when I feel like my life is just a series of mundane chore lists strung together.

*Cook the Food
*Clean the things
*Lather, rinse & repeat.

Yes, a rather simplistic view.


It could be that my surgery on Friday is causing a bit (lot) of stress in my head. Weighing heavier on my mind though, is how long after surgery will it be before I can get back to training for my goals for the next 12 months?

Goals, you say?

Yup, not dreams, but goals, with an actual date attached to them.

A 10k, a half marathon, and a FULL Marathon. Those are just a few things that I want to do for me personally.

I could use a little more fun in my life as well. Between time spent at work, and time (well) spent with family, a teeny bit of a social life would be so good for my mental health. It's been.....a long time since I let my hair down (less of it now that I cut it off).

Mind-Body  balance. If I can figure that one out, perhaps I can be a better me all around.

Friday, September 13, 2013

One Week to Go

One week from today.....

I will be a post-surgical patient. I'll be propped up in bed, all wrapped up, and medicated.

I've never had surgery, never been "put under". Heck, I've never even had an epidural!  I think the idea of general anesthetic makes me just as nervous as the thought of the actual surgery.

I'm hoping for a good result from this reduction. I hope it doesn't hurt too much afterwards.

I can't wait to be healed. Then I can get my feet on the road again, shake my butt at Zumba, and Lift the Things!

Oh....and I am so looking forward to being able to buy a bra that FITS!

Wish me luck. :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

One Month Later

Well folks, been a month since my last post. My back is feeling better most of the time, but it's definitely not as good as before my ridiculous injury. I've been to the chiropractor, done a few work-outs, and been back to the same-old same-old at work.

Tomorrow is the Arm Lake Trail Run. It's the last in a series of three put on by the local running club on base. The kids are pretty excited about finishing it, since they get a do I ( that's the reason I'm going).

I do not feel like running this race. Next to no runs for me this summer, I'm so heavy at the moment, and I have a cold. ( yeah yeah, First World Problems).

I will run it, and I will finish it though. It's a good lesson for the kids ( the whole "Finish what you started" thing).

If nothing else, I'll get some fresh air, and spend some quality time with the family and our running pals.

In other news.....2 weeks from today I will have had my long-awaited breast reduction surgery. I am anxious for it to be over.. Wish me luck all around!