Saturday, June 22, 2013

This week.....

In a slightly better head-space this week. Only feeling slightly dissatisfied rather than overwhelmingly so.


Went to Zumba, dragged myself through Zumbatone ( love the class, but my body was letting me down), and a flow-yoga class.

It was only my third class for yoga. I am liking it quite a bit. I am fairly strong when it comes to the balance poses and not too stiff in the flexibility department. There are a thousand ways I can get better at it for sure, but I don't feel like a complete interloper in class. I did learn that I do not like doing yoga near a mirror. I found it very hard to let myself really sink in to the poses while I could see all the parts of me I try not to think about. (closing my eyes did not help....made me lose my balance).

So, another reason to lose the will make yoga easier.

No running this week either. :( We're supposed to be doing the "Color me Rad" race next weekend, but, with the horrible flooding in Calgary right now, it's not looking good.


Meh.....still a work in progress.  Increase the calories, restrict the calories.....seems I always end up in the same place.

Tip of the week: Check out Go Kaleo , she's great!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Presently Present

....."I miss being the age when I thought I'd have my shit together by the time I was the age I am now"
~original source unknown                                                              

Is having your shit together a mythical state of being? Like being 100% caught up on laundry?

I have encountered people that appear to have their shit together, and I envy them. I mean, all we really see of people is their social face. We can never really know how they feel on the inside I suppose.

I am back in a place I did not want to return to.

Weight/body-wise, I am back to square one. I'll spare anyone who reads this the numbers, but, suffice it to say, I am unhappy.  I have no one to blame for this but myself...gotta get my shit together.

Fitness-wise, I am holding on by my fingernails. I can still run, but I am no faster. I need to make time to do more, move more, lift know, get my shit together.

Work-wise....let me just say how much I enjoy my job. Today, in discussing some upcoming time away, it was mentioned to me that a monkey could do my job. Perhaps....but I clean up after myself, unlike the aforementioned monkey. In this instance, I do have my shit together ( a monkey would just throw it).
Now we have arrived at the weekend I have been waiting for. All week my head was, well....swirly, yeah, let's say it was swirly. I can't say it's settled now, but, my mood is smoother.

Logically, I know what to do. I won't bore you with the details, I've listed them before. It comes down to three things really:

#1. Stop worrying about the things I cannot control. 
This leads to all sorts of trouble for me, and usually flares my case of Chronic Dissatisfaction. (I do believe I've written about it somewhere before, but, I can't remember. Just watch Vicky Christina Barcelona ).

#2. Shrug your (my) shoulders and let the shit roll off.
It could be argued that this is nearly the same as number one. Not for me though. It is actually a reminder for me to physically shrug my shoulders and take a few deep breathes.

#3. Don't borrow trouble.
Live more presently in other words. The future will unfold, and the only thing that I need to do is be the best I can be in the moment I am in. Stressing about a situation that may or may not arise is a waste of my energy.

So, for today, I will watch the clouds blow by the kitchen window, sip coffee, and spend time with my family.
I will finally complete the family chore chart and my workout schedule I have been putting off.
Oh......and do laundry. I mean, there's always laundry.